International 311 3-Bottom Fast Hitch Plow
Saturday, April 15
14120 Lickley Rd
Waldron, MI 49288
LIVE AUCTION w/ online bidding available
Personal Property starts @ 9 am
ANTIQUE TRACTORS & IMPLEMENTS: Farmall 450, IH 350 Utility, IH 330 Utility, Farmall BN, Farmall C, Farmall BN, Farmall A, Farmall Super A, Farmall Super H, Case 530, IH 211 plow, IH 311 plow, International disk, IH cultivator, 3-pt fast hitch, IH trip bucket, International tractor parts, IH wheel weights, IH suitcase weights, 3-pt blade & more!
TOOLS & SHOP SUPPLIES: 15-ft tandem flatbed trailer, cement mixer, Craftsman 12 gal shop vac, high position motorcycle lift, Husqvarna walk behind 700DRT tiller, new ATV sprayer, 2T engine stand, battery chargers, hydraulic cylinders, Lincoln arc welder 4500 W generator w/ Kohler engine, welding supplies, Black Bull 20-gal sand blaster, tools, toolboxes, Craftsman table saw, air hoses, Sears bench grinder on stand, Delta Rockwell drill press, vice, 155 PSI air compressor, Hobart welder/generator
ANTIQUES/COLLECTIBLES/MISC: Honda Foreman S 4-wheeler, Evinrude boat motor, large assortment of chains & binders, steel & wood gates, wire panels, fence posts, live box traps, conibear traps, cast iron wood stove, Purina chicken feeder lawn roller & more!
Simulcast items will begin at approx. 11 am ET
Real Estate sells @ 12 Noon
40+/- acres w/ house & farmland selling in 3 tracts
T1: 3.7± acres with house & buildings
T2: 26± acres of farmland
T3: 10.3± acres of woods
Items are sold as is, where is with no warranty expressed or implied. Buyers are to make their own determination of condition.
NO BP for onsite buyers. There will be a 10% BP added to the final bid for online buyers.
Payment due at conclusion of auction. Onsite payment options are cash, good check, credit card (Visa, MC, Discover, Am. Exp.) w/4% processing fee. $50 fee for all returned checks. Online buyers can pay by credit card (4% processing fee) or wire transfer ($25 processing fee). No items released until payment has been made in full. No partial payments, no refunds, no charge backs.
Load out is day of auction. Any items remaining after day of auction requires an appointment to be confirmed with at least 24 hours notice. Appointments should be made with United Edge.
In cooperation with Roth Real Estate Company
Rick Roth/Broker 517-425-2759
55 Spring Street
Hillsdale, MI 49242
Closing Agent : Public Title Agency
25 Budlong Street
Hillsdale, MI 49242
Drawings and aerial diagrams are approximate and not considered a survey of the subject property. Marketing information may be secured through the public record. Buyer should confirm all details with the appropriate authority. Any land splits needed will require township board approval prior to closing. Statements made on auction day at presentation of terms and conditions will have precedence over any other information.
Waldron, Ohio 49288
United States
Load out is day of auction. Any items remaining after day of auction requires an appointment to be confirmed with at least 24 hours notice. Appointments should be made with United Edge.
Onsite buyers - if you are not taking your items with you on the day of the auction, please talk with the cashiers at the auction to confirm your plans for load out.